Unique Colors
You are given an unrooted tree of n nodes numbered from 1 to n . Each node i has a color, ci. Let d( i , j ) be the number of different colors in the path between node i and node j. For each node i, calculate the value of sum, defined as follows: Your task is to print the value of sumi for each node 1 <= i <= n. Input Format The first line contains a single integer, n, denoting the number of nodes. The second line contains n space-separated integers, c1, c2 , c3 , . . . cn
View Solution →Fibonacci Numbers Tree
Shashank loves trees and math. He has a rooted tree, T , consisting of N nodes uniquely labeled with integers in the inclusive range [1 , N ]. The node labeled as 1 is the root node of tree , and each node in is associated with some positive integer value (all values are initially ). Let's define Fk as the Kth Fibonacci number. Shashank wants to perform 22 types of operations over his tree, T: 1. UXK Update the subtree rooted at node X such that the node at level 0 in subtree X (i.e.,
View Solution →Pair Sums
Given an array, we define its value to be the value obtained by following these instructions: Write down all pairs of numbers from this array. Compute the product of each pair. Find the sum of all the products. For example, for a given array, for a given array [7,2 ,-1 ,2 ] Note that ( 7 , 2 ) is listed twice, one for each occurrence of 2. Given an array of integers, find the largest value of any of its nonempty subarrays. Note: A subarray is a contiguous subsequence of the array.
View Solution →Lazy White Falcon
White Falcon just solved the data structure problem below using heavy-light decomposition. Can you help her find a new solution that doesn't require implementing any fancy techniques? There are 2 types of query operations that can be performed on a tree: 1 u x: Assign x as the value of node u. 2 u v: Print the sum of the node values in the unique path from node u to node v. Given a tree with N nodes where each node's value is initially 0, execute Q queries. Input Format The first l
View Solution →Ticket to Ride
Simon received the board game Ticket to Ride as a birthday present. After playing it with his friends, he decides to come up with a strategy for the game. There are n cities on the map and n - 1 road plans. Each road plan consists of the following: Two cities which can be directly connected by a road. The length of the proposed road. The entire road plan is designed in such a way that if one builds all the roads, it will be possible to travel between any pair of cities. A ticket enabl
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