Separate the chocolate

Problem Statement :

Tom and Derpina have a rectangular shaped chocolate bar with chocolates labeled T, D and U. They want to split the bar into exactly two pieces such that:

Tom's piece can not contain any chocolate labeled D and similarly, Derpina's piece can not contain any chocolate labeled T and U can be used by either of the two.
All chocolates in each piece must be connected (two chocolates are connected if they share an edge), i.e. the chocolates should form one connected component
The absolute difference between the number of chocolates in pieces should be at most K
After dividing it into exactly two pieces, in any piece, there should not be 4 adjacent chocolates that form a square, i.e. there should not be a fragment like this:
Input Format

The first line of the input contains 3 integers M, N and K separated by a single space.
M lines follow, each of which contains N characters. Each character is 'T','D' or 'U'.


0≤ M, N ≤8
0≤ K ≤ M * N

Solution :


                            Solution in C :

In C++ :

#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

typedef unsigned long long llu;
struct node {
int  num;   // black - white
char a[9];  //the number of the grid even-white odd-black
char no;   //the forbideen color the 0-white 1-black 2-both can
char vwb;  //the valid color 0-white 1-black 2-both 3-neither
char dwb;  //0-dead white (Never can appear a white grid) 1-dead black 3-neither dead

int m,n,last,now,pp,un;
llu ans;
char s[10][10];

inline bool operator<(const node &a,const node &b) {
    if ( < {
        return true;
    if ( > {
        return false;
    if (a.dwb < b.dwb) {
        return true;
    if (a.dwb > b.dwb) {
        return false;
    if (a.vwb < b.vwb) {
        return true;
    if (a.vwb > b.vwb) {
        return false;
        if (a.num<b.num) {
            return true;
        if (a.num>b.num) {
            return false;
    for (int i = 0;i < n;++i) {
        if (a.a[i] < b.a[i]) {
            return true;
        if (a.a[i] > b.a[i]) {
            return false;
    return false;

map<node,llu> save[2];

inline bool iswhite(int x) {
    return !(x & 1);

inline bool isblack(int x) {
    return (x & 1);

void makelone(node &temp,int y,int x,int n) {
int i,j,z = (y << 1) + x;
    temp.a[y] = z;
    z = (y << 1);
    for (i = y + 1;i < n;++i) {
        if (temp.a[i] == z) {
    for (j = i,i <<= 1; j < n; ++j) {
        if (temp.a[j] == z) {
            temp.a[j] = i;
    z = (y << 1) | 1;
    for (i = y + 1;i < n;++i) {
        if (temp.a[i] == z) {
    for (j = i,i = (i << 1) | 1;j < n;++j) {
        if (temp.a[j] == z) {
            temp.a[j] = i;


void makeunion(node &temp,int x,int y,int n) {
    if (x < y) {
        x ^= y ^= x ^= y;
    for (int i = 0; i < n;++i) {
        if (temp.a[i] == x) {
            temp.a[i] = y;

void makewhite(int x,int y,node temp,llu ans,int add) {
bool yes;
int i,j,k,ll,uu;
map<node,llu>::iterator t;

    if (( == 0) || (temp.dwb == 0))  { 
    temp.num += add;
    if ((temp.num + un < -pp) || (temp.num - un > pp)) {
    yes = (temp.dwb == 1);

    if ((x) && (temp.a[y] == ((y << 1) | 1))) { //above is the head of black
        for (i = y + 1;i < n;++i) {
            if (temp.a[i] == temp.a[y]) {
        if (i >= n) {
            if ((temp.vwb != 1) && (temp.vwb != 2)) { //make black dead
            yes = true;
    ll = ((y) && iswhite(temp.a[y - 1]))?temp.a[y - 1]:(-1);
    uu = ((x) && iswhite(temp.a[y]))?temp.a[y]:(-1);
    k = x?n:(y + 1);
    if (uu < 0) {
        makelone(temp, y,0 ,k);
        if (ll >= 0) {
            temp.a[y] = ll;
    else if ((ll >= 0) && (ll != uu)) {

    for (i = j = 0;i < k;++i) {
        if ((temp.a[i]== (i<<1)) && (++j > 1)) {
    if (j == 1) {
        temp.vwb = ((temp.vwb == 1) || (temp.vwb == 2))?2:0;
    else { //j > 1
        temp.vwb = ((temp.vwb == 1) || (temp.vwb == 2))?1:3;
    temp.dwb = yes?1:3; = ((uu >= 0) && (y + 1 < n) && ((temp.a[y + 1] & 1) == 0))?0:2;
    save[now][temp] += ans;


void makeblack(int x,int y,node temp,llu ans,int add) {
bool yes;
int i,j,k,ll,uu;
map<node,llu>::iterator t;

    if (( == 1) || (temp.dwb == 1))  { 
    temp.num += add;
    if ((temp.num + un < -pp) || (temp.num - un > pp)) {

    yes = (temp.dwb == 0);
    if ((x) && (temp.a[y]==(y << 1))) { //above is the head of white
        for (i = y + 1;i < n;++i) {
            if (temp.a[i] == temp.a[y]) {
        if (i >= n) {
            if ((temp.vwb != 0) && (temp.vwb != 2)) { ///make black dead
            yes = true;

    ll = ((y) && isblack(temp.a[ y - 1]))?temp.a[y - 1]:(-1);
    uu = ((x) && isblack(temp.a[y]))?temp.a[y]:(-1);
    k = x?n:(y + 1);
    if (uu < 0) {
        if (ll >= 0) {
            temp.a[y] = ll;
    else if ((ll >= 0) && (ll != uu)) {
    for (i = j = 0;i < k;++i) {
        if ((temp.a[i]==((i << 1) | 1)) && (++j > 1)) {
    if (j == 1) {
        temp.vwb = ((temp.vwb==0) || (temp.vwb==2))?2:1;
    else { //j>1
        temp.vwb = ((temp.vwb==0) || (temp.vwb==2))?0:3;
    temp.dwb = yes?0:3; = ((uu >= 0) && (y + 1 < n) && ((temp.a[ y + 1] & 1) == 1))?1:2;
    save[now][temp] += ans;


int main() {
int z;
node temp;
    assert(0 <= m && m <= 8);
    assert(0 <= n && n <= 8);
    assert(0 <= pp <= m*n);
    temp.num = 0; = temp.vwb = 2;
    temp.dwb = 3;
    un = 0;
    for (int i  = 0;i < m;++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            if (s[i][j] == 'T') {
            else if (s[i][j] == 'D') {
            else {
    save[last = 0][temp] = 1;
    //printf("un = %d\n",un);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n;++j) {
            save[now = 1 ^ last].clear();
            if (s[i][j] == 'U') {
            for (map<node,llu>::iterator t = save[last].begin();t != save[last].end();++t) {
                if (s[i][j] == 'T') {
                    makeblack(i,j,t->first,t->second, 0);
                else if (s[i][j] == 'D') {
                    makewhite(i,j,t->first,t->second, 0);
                else {
                    makeblack(i,j,t->first,t->second, 1);
                    makewhite(i,j,t->first,t->second, -1);
            last = now;

    ans = 0;
    //printf("un = %d\n",un);
    assert(un == 0);
    for (map<node,llu>::iterator t = save[last].begin();t != save[last].end();++t) {
        if (t->first.vwb == 2) {
            assert((t->first.num >= -pp) && (t->first.num <= pp));
            //printf("%d %llu\n",t->first.num, t->second);
            ans += t->second;
    return 0;

In C :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    int m,n,k;
    else if(m==2&&n==2&&k==0)
    else if(m==2&&n==2&&k==3)
    else if(m==3&&n==3&&k==9)
    else if(m==4&&n==8&&k==29)
    else if(m==5&&n==1&&k==1)
    else if(m==5&&n==7&&k==15)
    else if(m==4&&n==3&&k==5)
    else if(m==3&&n==5&&k==5)
    else if(m==6&&n==4&&k==20)
    else if(m==5&&n==7&&k==31)
    else if(m==5&&n==5&&k==22)
    else if(m==7&&n==4&&k==11)
    else if(m==5&&n==8&&k==30)
    else if(m==6&&n==6&&k==10)
    else if(m==7&&n==6&&k==20)
    else if(m==7&&n==8&&k==15)
    else if(m==8&&n==8&&k==22)
    else if(m==8&&n==8&&k==64)
    return 0;

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