Print Pretty C++

Problem Statement :

Given a text file with many lines of numbers to format and print, for each row of 3 space-separated doubles, format and print the numbers using the specifications in the Output Format section below.

Input Format

The first line contains an integer, T , the number of test cases.
Each of the T subsequent lines describes a test case as 3 space-separated floating-point numbers: A , B and C, respectively.


  1 <= T <= 1000
  Each number will fit into a double.

Output Format

For each test case, print 3 lines containing the formatted ,A , B and C , respectively. Each  A, B and C must be formatted as follows:

1 A: Strip its decimal (i.e., truncate it) and print its hexadecimal representation (including the 0x prefix) in lower case letters.
2 B: Print it to a scale of 2 decimal places, preceded by a + or - sign (indicating if it's positive or negative), right justified, and left-padded with underscores so that the printed result is exactly 15
characters wide.
3 C: Print it to a scale of exactly nine decimal places, expressed in scientific notation using upper case.

Solution :


                            Solution in C :

/* Enter your code here */   
        typedef long long llint;
        llint AA = llint(A);
        printf("0x%llx\n", AA);

        char tmp[100];
        sprintf(tmp, "%s%.2f", B >= 0? "+": "-", B);
        string sb(tmp);

        for (int i = 0; i + sb.size() < 15; i++) {

        printf("%.9E\n", C);

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