King and Four Sons

Problem Statement :

The King of Byteland wants to grow his territory by conquering K other countries. To prepare his 4 heirs for the future, he decides they must work together to capture each country.

The King has an army, A, of N battalions; the ith battalion has Ai soldiers. For each battle, the heirs get a detachment of soldiers to share but will fight amongst themselves and lose the battle if they don't each command the same number of soldiers (i.e.: the detachment must be divisible by 4). If given a detachment of size , the heirs will fight alone without any help.

The battalions chosen for battle must be selected in the following way:

1.A subsequence of K battalions must be selected (from the N battalions in army A).
2.The jth battle will have a squad of soldiers from the jth selected battalion such that its size is divisible by 4.
The soldiers within a battalion have unique strengths. For a battalion of size 5, the detachment of soldiers {0,1,2,4} is different from the detachment of soldiers 

The King tasks you with finding the number of ways of selecting K detachments of battalions to capture K countries using the criterion above. As this number may be quite large, print the answer modulo 10^9+7.

Input Format

The first line contains two space-separated integers, N (the number of battalions in the King's army) and K (the number of countries to conquer), respectively.

The second line contains N space-separated integers describing the King's army, A, where the ith integer denotes the number of soldiers in the ith battalion (Ai).


1 <= N <= 10^4
1 <= K <= min(100,N)
1 <= Ai <= 10^9
1 <= Ai <= 10^3 holds for test cases worth at least 30% of the problem's score.
Output Format

Print the number of ways of selecting the K detachments of battalions modulo 10^9+7.

Solution :


                            Solution in C :

In C++ :

using namespace std;
#define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i = (a); i <= (b); ++i)
#define FORD(i,a,b) for(int i = (a); i >= (b); --i)
#define RI(i,n) FOR(i,1,(n))
#define REP(i,n) FOR(i,0,(n)-1)
#define mini(a,b) a=min(a,b)
#define maxi(a,b) a=max(a,b)
#define mp make_pair
#define pb push_back
#define st first
#define nd second
#define sz(w) (int) w.size()
typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double ld;
typedef pair<int,int> pii;
const int inf = 1e9 + 5;
const int nax = 1e6 + 5;
const int mod = 1e9 + 7;

pii mul(pii a, pii b) {
	ll c = (ll) * - (ll) a.nd * b.nd;
	ll d = (ll) * b.nd + (ll) a.nd *;
	c %= mod;
	d %= mod;
	if(c < 0) c += mod;
	if(d < 0) d += mod;
	return mp((int) c, (int) d);

pii pw(pii a, int k) {
	pii r = mp(1, 0);
	while(k) {
		if(k % 2) r = mul(r, a);
		a = mul(a, a);
		k /= 2;
	return r;
int pw(int a, int k) {
	int r = 1;
	while(k) {
		if(k % 2) r = (ll) r * a % mod;
		a = (ll) a * a % mod;
		k /= 2;
	return r;

int f(int n) {
	int r = pw(mp(1,mod-1), n).st + pw(mp(1,1), n).st;
	r %= mod;
	r += pw(2, n);
	r %= mod;
	r = (ll) r * pw(4, mod - 2) % mod;
	return r;

int dp[105];

int main() {
	int n, k;
	scanf("%d%d", &n, &k);
	dp[0] = 1;
	REP(_, n) {
		int a;
		scanf("%d", &a);
		a = f(a);
		FORD(j, k, 1)
			dp[j] = (dp[j] + (ll) dp[j-1] * a) % mod;
	printf("%d\n", dp[k]);
	return 0;

In Java :

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

public class Solution {
	int mod = 1000000007;
	int[] waysA;
	public void solve(int[] a, int k) {
		long[] c = new long[a.length + 1];
		for (int n = 0; n <= a.length; n++) c[n] = 1;
		for (int ik = 1; ik <= k; ik++) {
			long[] c1 = new long[a.length + 1];
			c1[ik] = (waysA[ik - 1] * c[ik - 1]) % mod;
			for (int n = ik + 1; n <= a.length; n++) {
				c1[n] = (c1[n-1] + waysA[n - 1] * c[n - 1]) % mod;
			c = c1;
	long power2(int n) {
		if(n < 2) return n == 0 ? 1 : 2;
		long n2 = power2(n / 2);
		n2 = (n2 * n2) % mod;
		return n % 2 == 0 ? n2 : (n2 * 2) % mod;
	long waysForA(int a) {
		if(a < 4) return 1;
		long result = power2(a - 2);
		int m = a % 8;
		if(m == 2 || m == 6) return result;
		if(m == 7 || m == 1) return (result + power2((a - 3)/2)) % mod;
		if(m == 0) return (result + power2((a - 2)/2)) % mod;
		if(m == 3 || m == 5) return (result + mod - power2((a - 3)/2)) % mod;
		if(m == 4) return (result + mod - power2((a - 2)/2)) % mod;
		return -1;
	void buildAToWays(int[] a) {
		waysA = new int[a.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
			waysA[i] = (int)waysForA(a[i]);
	public void run() {
		Scanner in = new Scanner(;
		int n = in.nextInt();
		int k = in.nextInt();
		int[] a = new int[n];
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = in.nextInt();
		solve(a, k);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Solution s = new Solution();;

In C :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MOD 1000000007
void one(long long*a,int SIZE);
void mul(long long*a,long long*b,int SIZE);
void powm(long long*a,int n,long long*res,int SIZE);
int a[10000];
long long dp[101][10001]={0},b[10000],B[4][4],C[4][4],A[4][4]={

int main(){
  int N,K,i,j;
  return 0;
void one(long long*a,int SIZE){
    int i,j;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
            a[i*SIZE+j] = (i == j);
void mul(long long*a,long long*b,int SIZE){
    int i,j,k;
    long long res[SIZE][SIZE];
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
            for (k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)
                res[i][j] = (res[i][j]+a[i*SIZE+k] * b[k*SIZE+j])%MOD;
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
            a[i*SIZE+j] = res[i][j];
void powm(long long*a,int n,long long*res,int SIZE){
    while (n > 0) {
        if (n % 2 == 0)
            mul(a, a,SIZE);
            n /= 2;
        else {
            mul(res, a,SIZE);

In Python3 :


import os
import sys
from functools import reduce
from itertools import combinations
# Complete the king function below.
cc = 10**9 + 7
d30 = 73741817
D2 = 976371285
D3 = 688423210
D4 = 905611805
D5 = 607723520
D6 = 235042059
D7 = 255718402
D8 = 494499948
def twopower(a):
    if a < 30:
        return (2**a)
    elif a >= 30 and a <100:
        dvi = a//30
        rem = a%30
        ans = ((d30**dvi)%cc) * ((2**rem)%cc)
        ans = ans%cc
        return (ans)
    elif a >= 100 and a <= 1000:
        dvi2 = a//100
        dvi = a%100//30
        rem = a%100%30
        ans = ((D2**dvi2)%cc) * ((d30**dvi)%cc)*((2**rem)%cc)
        ans = ans%cc
        return (ans)
def midpower(a):
    if a <= 1000:
        return (twopower(a))
    elif a > 1000 and a <= 10**4:
        x = a //1000
        y = a % 1000
        z = ((D3**x)%cc) * twopower(y)
        z = z%cc
        return (z)
    elif a >10**4 and a <= 10**5:
        x1 = a // 10**4
        x2 = a // 10**3 - x1*10
        y = a % 10**3
        z = ((D4**x1)%cc) * ((D3**x2)%cc) * twopower(y) 
        z = z % cc
        return (z)
    elif a >10**5 and a <= 10**6:
        x1 = a // 10**5
        x2 = a // 10**4 - x1*10
        x3 = a // 10**3 - x2*10 - x1*100
        y = a % 10**3
        z = ((D5**x1)%cc) * ((D4**x2)%cc) * ((D3**x3)%cc) * twopower(y) 
        z = z % cc
        return (z)
def hipower(a):
    if a <= 10**6:
        return (midpower(a))
    elif a > 10**6 and a <= 10**7:
        x = a //10**6
        y = a % 10**6
        z = ((D6**x)%cc) * midpower(y)
        z = z%cc
        return (z)
    elif a >10**7 and a <= 10**8:
        x1 = a // 10**7
        x2 = a // 10**6 - x1*10
        y = a % 10**6
        z = ((D7**x1)%cc) * ((D6**x2)%cc) * midpower(y) 
        z = z % cc
        return (z)
    elif a >10**8 and a <= 10**9:
        x1 = a // 10**8
        x2 = a // 10**7 - x1*10
        x3 = a // 10**6 - x2*10 - x1 *100
        y = a % 10**6
        z = ((D8**x1)%cc) * ((D7**x2)%cc) * ((D6**x3)%cc) * midpower(y) 
        z = z % cc
        return (z)

def fanum(a):
    if a%4 == 0 or a%4 == 1:
        if (a//4) % 2 == 0:
            return (int(hipower(a-2)+hipower(2*(a//4)-1)))
            return (int(hipower(a-2)-hipower(2*(a//4)-1)))
    elif a%4 == 3:
        if (a//4) % 2 == 0:
            return (int(hipower(a-2) - hipower(2*(a//4))))
            return (int(hipower(a-2) + hipower(2*(a//4))))
    elif a%4 == 2:
        return (int(hipower(a-2)))
def king(army, k):
    lst = []
    for i in army:
    lst1 = []
    for i in range(1,k):
        l = []
        el = 0
        for j in range(i,n):
            el = (el + lst1[i-1][j-i])%cc
    tt = sum(lst1[-1])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')

    nk = input().split()

    n = int(nk[0])

    k = int(nk[1])

    army = list(map(int, input().rstrip().split()))

    result = king(army, k)

    fptr.write(str(result) + '\n')


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