Attribute Parser C++

Problem Statement :

This challenge works with a custom-designed markup language HRML. In HRML, each element consists of a starting and ending tag, and there are attributes associated with each tag. Only starting tags can have attributes. We can call an attribute by referencing the tag, followed by a tilde, '~' and the name of the attribute. The tags may also be nested.

The opening tags follow the format:

<tag-name attribute1-name = "value1" attribute2-name = "value2" ...>

The closing tags follow the format:


The attributes are referenced as:


Given the source code in HRML format consisting of N lines, answer Q queries. For each query, print the value of the attribute specified. Print "Not Found!" if the attribute does not exist.


HRML listing
<tag1 value = "value">
<tag2 name = "name">
<tag3 another="another" final="final">


Here, tag2 is nested within tag1, so attributes of tag2 are accessed as tag1.tag2~<attribute>. Results of the queries are:

Query                 Value
tag1~value            "value"
tag1.tag2.tag3~name   "Not Found!"
tag1.tag2.tag3~final  "final"

Input Format

The first line consists of two space separated integers, N and Q.  N specifies the number of lines in the HRML source program.
Q specifies the number of queries.

The following N lines consist of either an opening tag with zero or more attributes or a closing tag. There is a space after the tag-name, attribute-name, '=' and value.There is no space after the last value. If there are no attributes there is no space after tag name.

 1 <= N <= 20
 1 <= Q <= 20
 Each line in the source program contains, at most, 200 characters.
Every reference to the attributes in the Q queries contains at most 200 characters.
All tag names are unique and the HRML source program is logically correct, i.e. valid nesting.
A tag can may have no attributes.

Output Format

Print the value of the attribute for each query. Print "Not Found!" without quotes if the attribute does not exist.

Solution :


                            Solution in C :

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

vector<string> tag_stack;
map<string, string> attrs;

void insert_attr(string & name, string & val) {
    string full;
    for(string & str : tag_stack)
        full += str + ".";
    full += "~" + name;
    attrs[full] = val;

int main() {
    int n, q;
    cin >> n >> q;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        char c; cin >> c;
        if(cin.peek() == '/') { // close
            string cn; cin >> cn;
        else { //open'
            string name;
            cin >> name;
            if(name.back() == '>') { //no attrs
            else {
                for(;;) { 
                    string attr_name, attr_val, eq;
                    cin >> attr_name >> eq >> attr_val;
                    if(attr_val.back() == '>') { //last attr
                        attr_val = attr_val.substr(1);
                        insert_attr(attr_name, attr_val);
                    else {
                        attr_val = attr_val.substr(1);
                        insert_attr(attr_name, attr_val);
    for(int i = 0; i < q; ++i) {
        string quer;
        cin >> quer;
        if(attrs.find(quer) != attrs.end())
            cout << attrs[quer] << endl;
            cout << "Not Found!" << endl;
    return 0;

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