
ginortS python

You are given a string S. S contains alphanumeric characters only. Your task is to sort the string S in the following manner: All sorted lowercase letters are ahead of uppercase letters. All sorted uppercase letters are ahead of digits. All sorted odd digits are ahead of sorted even digits. Input Format A single line of input contains the string S. Constraints 0<len(S)<1000 Output Format Output the sorted string S.

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Map and Lambda Function python

Let's learn some new Python concepts! You have to generate a list of the first N fibonacci numbers, 0 being the first number. Then, apply the map function and a lambda expression to cube each fibonacci number and print the list. Concept The map() function applies a function to every member of an iterable and returns the result. It takes two parameters: first, the function that is to be applied and secondly, the iterables. Let's say you are given a list of names, and you have to print a li

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Validating Email Adresses With a Filter python

You are given an integer N followed by N email addresses. Your task is to print a list containing only valid email addresses in lexicographical order. Valid email addresses must follow these rules: It must have the username@websitename.extension format type. The username can only contain letters, digits, dashes and underscores. The website name can only have letters and digits. The maximum length of the extension is 3. Concept A filter takes a function returning True or False

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Reduce Function python

Given a list of rational numbers,find their product. Concept The reduce() function applies a function of two arguments cumulatively on a list of objects in succession from left to right to reduce it to one value. Say you have a list, say [1,2,3] and you have to find its sum. >>> reduce(lambda x, y : x + y,[1,2,3]) 6 You can also define an initial value. If it is specified, the function will assume initial value as the value given, and then reduce. It is equivalent to adding the initia

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Arrays python

The NumPy (Numeric Python) package helps us manipulate large arrays and matrices of numeric data. To use the NumPy module, we need to import it using: import numpy Arrays A NumPy array is a grid of values. They are similar to lists, except that every element of an array must be the same type. import numpy a = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5]) print a[1] #2 b = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5],float) print b[1] #2.0 In the above example, numpy.array() is used to convert a li

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