Arrays Introduction C++
An array is a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique identifier. For arrays of a known size, 10 in this case, use the following declaration: int arr[10]; //Declares an array named arr of size 10, i.e, you can store 10 integers. Note Unlike C, C++ allows dynamic allocation of arrays at runtime without special calls like malloc(). If n = 10 , int arr[n] will create an array with space
View Solution →Variable Sized Arrays
Consider an n - element array, a, where each index i in the array a contains a reference to an array of Ki integers (where the value Ki of varies from array to array). See the Explanation section below for a diagram. Given a , you must answer q queries. Each query is in the format i j, where i denotes an index in array a and j denotes an index in the array located at a[i] . For each query, find and print the value of element j in the array at location a[i] on a new line. Input Format
View Solution →Array-DS
An array is a type of data structure that stores elements of the same type in a contiguous block of memory. In an array, A, of size N, each memory location has some unique index, i (where 0<=i<N), that can be referenced as A[i] or Ai. Reverse an array of integers. Note: If you've already solved our C++ domain's Arrays Introduction challenge, you may want to skip this. Example: A=[1,2,3] Return [3,2,1]. Function Description: Complete the function reverseArray in the editor be
View Solution →2D Array-DS
Given a 6*6 2D Array, arr: 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 An hourglass in A is a subset of values with indices falling in this pattern in arr's graphical representation: a b c d e f g There are 16 hourglasses in arr. An hourglass sum is the sum of an hourglass' values. Calculate the hourglass sum for every hourglass in arr, then print the maximum hourglass sum. The array will always be 6*6. Example: arr= -9 -9 -9 1 1 1 0
View Solution →Dynamic Array
Create a list, seqList, of n empty sequences, where each sequence is indexed from 0 to n-1. The elements within each of the n sequences also use 0-indexing. Create an integer, lastAnswer, and initialize it to 0. There are 2 types of queries that can be performed on the list of sequences: 1. Query: 1 x y a. Find the sequence, seq, at index ((x xor lastAnswer)%n) in seqList. b. Append integer y to sequence seq. 2. Query: 2 x y a. Find the sequence, seq,
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