StringStream C++

Problem Statement :

In this challenge, we work with string streams.

stringstream is a stream class to operate on strings. It implements input/output operations on memory (string) based streams. stringstream can be helpful in different type of parsing. The following operators/functions are commonly used here

    Operator >> Extracts formatted data.
    Operator << Inserts formatted data.
    Method str() Gets the contents of underlying string device object.
    Method str(string) Sets the contents of underlying string device object.

Its header file is sstream.

One common use of this class is to parse comma-separated integers from a string (e.g., "23,4,56").

stringstream ss("23,4,56");
char ch;
int a, b, c;
ss >> a >> ch >> b >> ch >> c;  // a = 23, b = 4, c = 56

Here ch is a storage area for the discarded commas.

If the >> operator returns a value, that is a true value for a conditional. Failure to return a value is false.

Given a string of comma delimited integers, return a vector of integers.

Function Description

Complete the parseInts function in the editor below.

parseInts has the following parameters:

    string str: a string of comma separated integers


    vector<int>: a vector of the parsed integers.

Note You can learn to push elements onto a vector by solving the first problem in the STL chapter.

Input Format

There is one line of n integers separated by commas.


The length of str
is less than  8 x 10^5.

Solution :


                            Solution in C :

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

vector<int> parseInts(string str) {
    stringstream ss(str);
    vector<int> result;
    char ch;
    int tmp;
    while(ss >> tmp) {
        ss >> ch;
    return result;

int main() {
    string str;
    cin >> str;
    vector<int> integers = parseInts(str);
    for(int i = 0; i < integers.size(); i++)
        cout << integers[i] << "\n";
    return 0;

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