Box It! C++

Problem Statement :

Design a class named Box whose dimensions are integers and private to the class. The dimensions are labelled: length l, breadth b , and height h.

The default constructor of the class should initialize, l , b and h to 0. 

The parameterized constructor Box(int length, int breadth, int height) should initialize Box's l, b and h to length, breadth and height.

The copy constructor Box(Box B ) should set l, b and h to B 's l, b and h, respectively. 

Apart from the above, the class should have 4 functions:

    int getLength() - Return box's length
    int getBreadth() - Return box's breadth
    int getHeight() - Return box's height
    long long CalculateVolume() - Return the volume of the box

For example,

Box b1; // Should set b1.l = b1.b = b1.h = 0;
Box b2(2, 3, 4); // Should set b1.l = 2, b1.b = 3, b1.h = 4;
b2.getLength();	// Should return 2
b2.getBreadth(); // Should return 3
b2.getheight();	// Should return 4
b2.CalculateVolume(); // Should return 24
bool x = (b1 < b2);	// Should return true based on the conditions given
cout<<b2; // Should print 2 3 4 in order.

  0 <= l, b, h <= 10^5

Two boxes being compared using the < operator will not have all three dimensions equal.

Solution :


                            Solution in C :

class Box {
	int l, b, h;
	Box() : l(0), b(0), h(0) { BoxesCreated++; }
	Box(int length, int breadth, int height) : l(length), b(breadth), h(height) { BoxesCreated++; }
	Box(const Box& b) : l(b.l), b(b.b), h(b.h) { BoxesCreated++; }
	int getLength() const {
		return l;
	int getBreadth() const {
		return b;
	int getHeight() const {
		return h;
	long long CalculateVolume() const {
		return 1LL * l * b * h;
	~Box() {
	bool operator<(const Box& another) const {
		if (l != another.l) {
			return l < another.l;
		if (b != another.b) {
			return b < another.b;
		return h < another.h;
	void output(ostream& out) const {
		out << l << " " << b << " " << h;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Box b) {
	return out;

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